Monday, 31 December 2018

Self Driving Cars

With the rise in popularity of self driving cars due to companies such as Tesla and Waymo, we have made significant progress into making it more applicable in society.

Image result for waymo
Waymo car: Source

My next project will be creating a miniature self driving car where I will be exploring the basic problems of lane detection, stop sign detection and object detection.

Although these problems have already been solved, I intend to use this as a learning experience to learn about these existing solutions and perhaps add my own spin on things as I learn more about the subject.

I've broken up this project into several milestones to make the problem a bit easier to solve.

Here is my current rough plan:

Milestone 1:
- Make a remote controlled car using ps3 controller
- Be able to control camera and steering
- Stream image data to pc

Milestone 2:
- Basic open cv recognition (stop signs)
- Neural network on pc using CUDA (stream data from rc car)
- Make car stop at stop sign

Milestone 3:
- Lane detection
- Traffic lights

Milestone 4:
- Object tracking and following

Milestone 5:
- Upgrade to RC buggy car 
- Battery upgrade

Milestone 6:
- Finalize and make working

To make a self driving car using raspberry pi camera module and opencv
-Be able to stop at a stop sign for 3 seconds then go
-Be able to follow a traffic light
-Be able to navigate lanes
-Bonus goal - follow an object around

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